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Search and Seizure- No seizure of jewellery when it is stock of the assessee as the protection is provided in proviso appearing after sub clause – (iii) to sub Section (1) of Section 132 for stock. Further Satisfaction note clearly disclosed that formulation of “reason to believe” was post search and seizure. Action of search and seizure is bad in law. Saddle the Deptt. with costs at Rs.50,000/-. KHEM CHAND MUKIM Vs.Principal Director of Income Tax. Jan 9, 2020 IT-CASES-214-2020
KHEM CHAND MUKIM vs. PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR OF INCOME TAX & ORS. HIGH COURT OF DELHI VIPIN SANGHI & SANJEEV NARULA, JJ. W.P.(C) 5343/2019 Jan 9, 2020 (2020) 186 DTR 0145 (Del), (2020) 313 CTR 0014 (Del), (2020) 423 ITR 0129…
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Section 132 When no incriminating material is shown by the Ld. AO therefore disallowance made only on ad-hoc basis is not permissible under the Income Tax Act. SHARUK PASSI & ANR. vs.DCIT ITAT Delhi order on Mar 19, 2020. IT-CASES-213-2020
Order in brief Section 143 assessment completed without giving any adverse finding on issue categorically inquired. Now merely creating a doubt of the same issue does not suffice the Assessing Officer to reopen the case u/s 148 of the Act…
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Section 132,148 Cancelled receipt of Rs. 11 lacs showing total transaction of Rs. 61 lacs signed by Sanjeev on behalf of Romy was found and Romy surrendered Rs. 11 Lacs only. AO has not confronted contents of said receipts from S. Addition made of Rs. 50 Lacs is deleted in the absence of any other corroborative material before AO. ROMI LAL NANDA vs.ITO. ITAT Delhi order date 28.9.2020. IT-CASES-212-2020
ROMI LAL NANDA vs. INCOME TAX OFFICER IN THE ITAT DELHI BENCH ‘G’ R.K. PANDA, AM & SUCHITRA KAMBLE, JM. ITA No. 792/Del/2016 Sep 28, 2020 Section 132,148 AY 2008-09 Decision in favour of: Assessee Section 132 Cancelled receipt of Rs….
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Section 132, 153A Assessment was completed under section 143(1). Completed assessments can be interfered with by A.O. while making assessment under section 153A only on basis of some incriminating material unearthed during course of search or requisition of documents or undisclosed income or property discovered in course of search which were not produced or not already disclosed or made known in course of original assessment. ACIT v. SHRI SURENDRA KUMAR GUPTA 30.9.2020 Delhi ITAT IT-CASES-211-2020
ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX vs. SHRI SURENDRA KUMAR GUPTA IN THE ITAT DELHI BENCH ‘D’ BHAVNESH SAINI, JM & B.R.R. KUMAR, AM. ITA No. 1218/Del./2017 Sep 30, 2020 Section 132, 153A AY 2012-2013 Decision in favour of: Assessee …
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Please click on the below link to open 80IBA Affordable Housing Project
Section 132, 153A What AO can do with item found in search is already disclosed in ITR and Balance Sheet submitted?IT-CASES-210-2020
ALANKAR SAPHIRE DEVELOPERS & ORS. vs. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX & ORS. IN THE ITAT DELHI BENCH ‘F’ BHAVNESH SAINI, JM & O. P. KANT, AM. ITA No. 2277/Del./2016, 2278/Del./2016, 2279/Del./2016, 2606/Del./2016, 2607/Del./2016, 2608/Del./2016, 122/Del./2017, 675/Del./2017, 6444/Del./2015, 3501/Del./2016, 3460/Del./2016,…
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क्या होगा जब किसी के यहां आयकर छापा पड़े और वहां पड़े किसी इनक्रिमिनेटिंग मैट्रियल पर आपका नाम हो? आईटीऐटी दिल्ली ने 28 अप्रैल 2020 को क्या फैसला दिया? IT-CASES-209-2020
PAWAN KUMAR DUA vs. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX IN THE ITAT DELHI BENCH ‘F’ K. PANDA, AM & SUCHITRA KAMBLE, JM. ITA Nos. 6588 to 6590/Del/2018 Apr 28, 2020 Section 132, 153A AY 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 Decision in…
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यक्ष प्रश्न:- मरने के बाद कहां जाओगे? स्वर्ग या नर्क या कहीं और?
मंजिल और मंजिल का आनंद- एक सारगर्भित बात किसी ने कहा कहां से आ रहे हो मैंने कहा मूंदड़ा हाउस से फिर पूछा कहां जाओगे मैंने कहा अपने ऑफिस। क्या करते हो ऑफिस का काम करता हूं क्या इसीलिए आए थे…
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कर्म प्रधान एवं आत्मविश्वास से प्राप्त सफलता-लेखक रामफूल मीणा आयकर अधिकारी
आप को नमस्कार करता हूँ मैंने कडी मेहनत को ही अपनी जिंदगी का हिस्सा माना है मैंनै 1987 में बी काम कॉमर्स कॉलेज से पास किया है इस दोरान में 18 k.M. गाँव से जयपुर मजदूरी पर आता था कभी…
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