अगर SVA की वैल्यूएशन DVO के वैल्यूएशन से ज्यादा आती है तो कर अधिकारी धारा 50C के प्रावधान के अनुसार कौन सी वैल्यू लेगा?ITAT Mumbai ने 18.11.2016 को Sangeeta Vijay Kumar, Mumbai vs Acit 25(2) को इसका ऑर्डर पास किया है।
Is punitive charges paid to the railways disallowable u/s 37(1) by holding as penalty. Ans is No. Order passed by ITAT KOLKATA on Nov 20, 2020 in the case of RUNGTA MINES PVT. LTD.vs. ACIT.
Is deduction under section 36 (1)(iii) for interest paid allowable when the relevant borrowed capital was given as interest free advance to sister concern for business expediency of the assessee. ITAT Jaipur passed the order on 11th Sept;2020 in the case of Kalya Awas Vikas (P). Ltd. v. ACIT
क्या होगा जब कोई चैरिटेबल ऑर्गनाइजेशन को 148 का नोटिस इस आधार पर मिलता है कि करदाता धारा 11 और 12 की छूट का अधिकारी 12AA मिलने के पहले के एसेसमेंट ईयर के लिए नहीं है? Nov 26, 2020 को ITAT BANGALORE ने second proviso to sec.12A(2) का हवाला देकर ऑर्डर पास किया है KARNATAKA STATE STUDENTS WELFARE FUND vs ITO.
Section 69A:क्या होगा जब बुक्स की क्रेडिट एंट्री के बारे में करदाता क्रेडिटवर्थनेस प्रमाणित कर देता है और कर निर्धारण अधिकारी अपनी फाइंडिंग को बिना बताए आय में एडिशन कर देता है? ITAT Delhi ने 10 नवंबर 2020 को VIKASH vs.ITO
क्या होगा जब पुन: कर निर्धारण के लिए धारा 148 का नोटिस गलत जगह भेजकर आईटीओ रिअसेसमेंट कर दे। 6 नवंबर 2020 को आईटीआई बेंगलुरु ने DIVYA S RAO vs. आईटीओ
Section 245D(4) HIGH COURT OF PATNA order dated 6.10.2020. If the Settlement Commissioner had all records before him, Revenue had duly made its representation, and the Settlement Commission had thereinafter accepted the settlement only way of reading the impugned sentence is that the matter was straightforward on the face of the record. Since the revenue had duly made its representation, and the Settlement Commission had thereinafter accepted the settlement, therefore, it cannot be reopened. It is also not disputed that the Settlement Commission necessarily was required to pass orders else the proceedings would have abated. Revenue has not pointed any finger of misconduct against any one of the members of the Settlement Commission. CIT & ANR. vs. INCOME TAX SETTLEMENT COMMISSION (IT&WT) & ANR.
Section 147 on 27 April, 2020 Unless the assessing officer assesses the income with reference to which he had formed a reason to believe within the meaning of section 147, it would not be open to him to assess or reassess any other income chargeable to tax which has escaped assessment and which comes to his notice. ITAT, DELHI BENCH in the case of Sheela Foam Ltd. v. DCIT. IT-CASES-217-2020
Section 132 When no incriminating material is shown by the Ld. AO therefore disallowance made only on ad-hoc basis is not permissible under the Income Tax Act. SHARUK PASSI & ANR. vs.DCIT ITAT Delhi order on Mar 19, 2020. IT-CASES-213-2020
Section 132,148 Cancelled receipt of Rs. 11 lacs showing total transaction of Rs. 61 lacs signed by Sanjeev on behalf of Romy was found and Romy surrendered Rs. 11 Lacs only. AO has not confronted contents of said receipts from S. Addition made of Rs. 50 Lacs is deleted in the absence of any other corroborative material before AO. ROMI LAL NANDA vs.ITO. ITAT Delhi order date 28.9.2020. IT-CASES-212-2020