During lock down period- the AO has acted with undue haste in passing the orders under Section 201(1)(1A) of the Act.- The writ was allowed for quashing the order passed under Section 201 of the Income Tax Act, 1961- the demand notice. Immediately after the lockdown is withdrawn by the Government, a period of two weeks reckoned therefrom is granted to the petitioner to reply to the Notices to the show cause issued by the respondent.
What are the consequences when the notice u/s 143(2) served without examining the return filed in compliance of notice.? The answer is given by ITAT DELHI on 20 February, 2020 in the case of Ananya Portfolio (P) Ltd. v. ITO- IT-CASES-203-2020. Assessment quashed.
ITAT DELHI on Mar 11, 2020 held in Penny stock- The assessee submitted sufficient documentary evidences before A.O. The A.O. has not brought any adverse material against the assessee so as to make the above additions. The interim order of the SEBI have been revoked against the assessee. The denial of right of cross-examination is a flaw which renders the assessment order a nullity. Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Kishanchand Chellaram 125 ITR 713 (SC) and Andaman Timber Industries vs., CCE 314 ELT 641.
दिल्ली ट्रिब्यूनल ने 28 मार्च 2020 को फैसला दिया है कि धारा 205 के अनुसार अगर करदाता टीडीएस कट जाने का प्रूफ दे देता है तो उस टीडीएस की रिकवरी कर निर्धारण अधिकारी करदाता से इस आधार पर नहीं कर सकता टीडीएस काटने वाले ने के लिए जमा नहीं कराया। धारा 201 के अनुसार आयकर विभाग के पास समुचित अधिकार है जिसने टीडीएस काटा है उस से रिकवरी कर ली जाए
ITAT DELHI held on Mar 19, 2020 that the notice issued by the AO would be bad in law if it did not specify which limb of Section 271(1)(c) the penalty proceedings had been initiated under i.e. whether for concealment of particulars of income or for furnishing of inaccurate particulars of income. M/S GIRI BUILDWELL PVT LTD. vs. ITO
On 11th March 2020 ITAT Delhi held that when the books of accounts have been rejected by the Assessing Officer, estimation of profit should be as per the material available on record. where the directors are the employees of the company and receive commission for services rendered to the company as per the resolution passed by the Board, the commission paid to the directors was part of the salary and cannot be considered for the purpose of disallowance u/s 36(1)(ii) of the Act.
Section 68, 133(6), 143(1), 147, 153C किसी अन्य पार्टी के यहां आयकर छापा पड़ने पर एसएससी के इनक्रिमिनेटिंग मटेरियल मिलने पर धारा 153C की प्रोसीडिंग्स होगी। अगर धारा 147 148 की प्रोसिडिंग की जाती है तो वह नोटिस एवं प्रोसीडिंग्स इल्लीगल है तथा सारी प्रोसिडिंग रद्द करने योग्य है। NAWAL OILS AND CONTAINERS P. LTD. vs. ITO
Since no incriminating material was unearthed by AO during the course of search operation under section 132, therefore no addition could be made during the relevant assessment year under section 153A. Mona Agarwal & Anr. v. ACIT
No TDS u/s 194-I is required to be deducting for Service tax paid by the tenant since the landlord only acts as a collecting agency for Government for collection of Service Tax.