Section 14A For the purpose of computing disallowance u/s 14A of the Act instead of taking into account total investment, only such investments which yielded exempt dividend income during the year are required to be considered for the purpose of disallowance. RELIGARE SECURITIES LTD. & ANR. vs. DCIT. In favour of Assessee. ITAT Delhi
Section 54F, 139(4) ITAT, Jaipur on 6th march, 2020 Respectfully following the judgement of Jurisdictional High Court in the case of Shankar Lal Saini [2018] 89 taxmann.com 235(Raj) held that even amount deposited in Capital Gain Account Scheme before filing of return u/s 139(4) shall also be allowed for deduction as per provisions of sub- section 4 of section 54F of the Act. Smt. Renu Jain, New Delhi vs Ito. AY 2011-12
Section 144 r.w. Section 145(3): ITAT JAIPUR on Jun 19, 2020 held that Even if the books f accounts rejected by invoking provisions of Section 145(3) due doubt on genuineness of the purchases, the A.O. is bound to frame the assessment on best assessment as per provisions of Section 144 r.w. Section 145(3). Therefore, after rejection of books of account, the A.O. is required to estimate the income of the assessee on some reasonable and proper basis. Once the past year results have attained finality and not in dispute, the same can form the basis for estimating the GP rate for the current year. KEDIA EXPORTS PVT. LTD. & ANR. vs. ACIT. AY 2009-10, 2012-13, 2013-14 & 2014-15 Decision in favour of Assessee
Section 127, 132(4) HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY on Jul 15, 2019 held that when the assessment of an Assessee is being transferred from one Commissionerate to another, the requirement of hearing and following the principle of natural justice is inbuilt in the statutory provisions contained in Section 127 of the Act. Therefore the giving of notice to the assessee containing the reasons and the statements or even the gist of the statements to the extent relevant for the proposed action is a basic postulate. The views of the noticee are to be considered by the authority before taking any decision to confirm or drop the notice. A show cause notice to be effective must be adequate so as to enable a party to effectively object/respond to the same. The authority concerned is obliged to consider the objections, if any, and thereafter, reach a finding one way or the other. The impugned order is quashed. NARESH MANAKCHAND JAIN vs PCIT. IN favour of the assessee.
Section 2(14): Income earned by the assessee constitute business income not Long Term Capital Gains reason that the assessee has always shown it as closing stock of agricultural land in the balance sheets and the object is of property business. Following contention of the assessee was not accepted the land is always valued at cost, period of holding for 13 years, accepting by deptt for deriving of agricultural income from the land. KOHLI ESTATES PVT. LTD. vs. ITO ITAT DELHI on May 5, 2020 AY 2011-12.
Section 68- AY 2011-12- ITAT SURAT- May 4, 2020 When the assessee furnishes names and addresses of the alleged creditors and the GIR Numbers, the burden shifts to the Department to establish the revenue’s case and in order to sustain the addition the revenue has to pursue the enquiry and to establish the lack of creditworthiness and mere non-compliance of summons issued by the Assessing Officer under section 131 by the alleged creditors will not be sufficient to draw an adverse inference against the assessee. DCIT vs. KEJRIWAL INDUSTRIES LTD.
ITAT KOLKATA on Mar 13, 2020 quashed the reopening of assessment and allow this appeal of the assessee on the ground that the re-opening is bad in law as the Assessing Officer has not independently applied his mind to the material and recorded reasons which are vague and merely based on borrowed satisfaction.
ITAT KOLKATA on Mar 18, 2020 held that the assessment made u/s 153A/143(3) of the Act is invalid in the absence of any incriminating material found during course of search hence the addition made by AO in assessment completed was beyond scope.
ITAT LUCKNOW ने Mar 19, 2020 को फेसला दिया कि रेवेन्यू रिकॉर्ड में दर्ज खेती की जमीन पर लगाए चावल प्लांट सहित बेचने पर केवल प्लांट और प्लांट के लिए ली गई जमीन पर केपिटल गेन टैक्स लगेगा बाकी खेती की जमीन अगर खेती की जमीन धारा 2(14) में आती है तो कोई टैक्स नहीं लगेगा।