never forget to E-Verify the ITR using Aadhaar OTP as otherwise your Return will be invalid
Salary employed-check list for filing ITR
Prohibition on Cash payment and receipts under section 269SS
Benami Rules 2016, Forms and Notifications upto 31.03.2019, Prohibition of Benami Property Act,2016
List of common objections in the Appeals filed under Benami Act, 2016
Benami Act, 2016, PBPT, 2016, Prohibition of Benami Property Transaction Act, 2016
on 19.3.2019, The GST Council has reduced the GST rates for under-construction flats and affordable housing to 5% and 1%, respectively and also increased the carpet area of flats under affordable housing. from 1.4.2019 The liability to pay tax on TDR, FSI, long term lease (premium) shall be shifted from land owner to builder under the reverse charge mechanism (RCM)
Development agreement and GST
Gift from following relative are exempt from income tax u/s 56
All persons who make taxable supply of goods or services or both on behalf of other taxable persons whether as an agent or otherwise please ensure to get GST registration and pay GST on every commission