Eligible credit को मात्र इस आधार पर दिए जाने से मना नहीं किया जा सकता कि निर्धारिती ने TRAN-1 form सही नहीं भरा। सरकार या तो ऑनलाइन TRAN-1 सही करने का ऑप्शन दें या मैनुअली भरे हुए को सही मानकर क्लेम स्वीकार करें
eligibility to opt for the scheme-VISHWAS (LEGACY DISPUTE RESOLUTION) SCHEME, 2019 when audit, enquiry or investigation started
FAQ filing ITR for assessment year 2019 20
Guidelines has been issued on 14.6.2019for compounding of Offices under Direct Tax Laws,2019
Tax saving tips for salaried employees for financial year 2018-19
Form FiLLiP is likely to be revised on MCA21 LLP Forms Download page w.e.f. 29th June, 2019. Stakeholders are advised to check the latest version before filing.
Now senior citizen (60 years or more) can give 15H if their income below Rs 5 lacs
affordable residential apartment-internal walls of the apartment, balcony or verandah be included 60/90 sq meter
Companies appointment and qualification of Directors-2019